Q.   who is eligible for this exchange program?
ans: any student who is 18+ studying in some college ..

Q.   where  can I go ?
ans: we provide opportunities in Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Turkey, Mauritius, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brazil, Morocco and many more in the list but these are the main country we deal with

Q.How will AIESEC help me?
    1.We will Induct you.
    2. we Will help you throughout from Finalizing the traineeship – Going for the traineeship – Coming back from the traineeship
    3. Make sure you have Life Changing experience
    4. we will provide you all the documents needed to get the visa.

Q.will we get certificates ?
ans: yes

Q.what will be my major expenses ?
ans: your flight ticket and some amount as your pocket money that will vary on the country you are     selecting.

Q.where will I stay there and what about food?
ans: you will get free accommodation(in most of the countries except some countries like Italy and Mauritius) with a group of trainees like you or stay with host family (that you can get in turkey), same goes with food you will get two time meal a day depending upon the country(e.g. in Italy and Mauritius u will have to bear your own expenses )

Q.Why should I go through AIESEC?
ans: well we got hundreds of reasons to go through AIESEC but some main reasons are here
a. you will get a network of young students like you who will help you in all ways you won't feel              alone there
      b. you will get a chance to represent your country and city in some of the events
      c. global exposure
d. big tag line in your CV because AIESEC itself is great organization.

Q. can i go with my friends ?
ans: yes, but we will prefer no because you will always prefer to stay with your friend and you won't be able to mix up with other people there you won't come over your comfort zone and it will be hard for you grow your network ... :)

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